Thursday, October 6, 2011

Anyone for a drive?

Today I woke and up finally felt well enough to drive. First stop - Target! Followed by Giant (since it's next door to Target), then back home to get Kenslee for lunch. After lunch we headed out to the library, then walked over to the playground so the kids could have some fun. Next up - a short hike down and around the woods.

Whew, I forgot how exhausting it is to be an "active" parent! I'm tired of not being able to participate in all of the fun things my children get to do. Glad I'm finally feeling up to some of these activities.

But... when you don't hear from me tomorrow... you'll know why! And you can find me in bed.....

Full disclosure - these trips did not require me to merge into traffic, so I think I made out okay. I mean, there were no accidents, and that's what counts, right?
It's when I finally go back into the office for work when I'll be in trouble. I will have to merge into mad rush hour traffic on route 422, and we all know how dangerous that highway is!

Also, my son did all the heavy lifting at the grocery store. He was in the cart, and helped me load and unload all of the groceries. He even carried several heavy milk jugs into the house, and helped me unpack all of the bags. Such a sweet boy.


  1. I'm smiling at the fact that you're well enough for a trip to Target. THAT IS HUGE RECOVERY PROGRESS. :) Still sending good thoughts your way!

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